It happens quite often… one day you wake up and just feel out of sorts. To your frustration, you cannot pin it on any factor in particular. Instead, you only know something’s wrong but can’t pin-point it. Enter tarot and this Mind-Scan General Energy Spread.
The tarot is an excellent tool to help reveal how our subconscious is affecting our energy. The images in the tarot cards you draw are meant to conjure up much-needed clarity. In this spread, the synchronicity of the cards can provoke deep thought as we consider the pictures that have reached the surface of the desk to find you right this very moment.

Card 1 – The Situation: This card represents the dominant energy in your life right now
Card 2 – What You Know: In other words, what you already know about the situation.
Card 3 – External Advice: Concrete advice from external sources on navigating the present.
Card 4 – What Is Hidden: What lingers in your dreams and subconscious.
Card 5 – Internal Advice: What advice you can find within yourself.
Mind-Scan Example Reading

Card 1 – The Situation: This card represents the dominant energy in your life right now
Card Drawn: Ace of Cups
The Ace of Cups harnesses Ace energy with the suit of Cups. This card is associated with new beginnings, particularly when it comes to relationships. On the surface, it’s tempting to equate this card’s meaning with a romantic relationship. However, dig a little deeper and you’ll find that the card could also mean strengthening your relationship with yourself. You could be right on the cusp of embarking on a new journey full of all the traits of the Cups: creativity, spirituality, and intuition, to name a few. What a thrilling possibility! But that might also come with some nerves and apprehension. Don’t worry… trust in your intuition that it’s time to take the first step.
Card 2 – What You Know: In other words, what you already know about the situation.
Card Drawn: The Sunc
The Sun is like a big hug from the Universe, reassuring you and comforting you and building your confidence. Since this card in the second position speaks to what you know about your situation, it’s likely that you’re soaking up some good vibes right now, and you feel radiant and glowing. The message here would be don’t overanalyze this feeling it; just enjoy it.
Card 3 – External Advice: Concrete advice from external sources on navigating the present.
Card Drawn: Page of Swords
The Page of Swords appears as a messenger ready to help you jumpstart your brainstorming. Being a card from the Suit of Swords, his realm of expertise includes thoughts, planning, and decisions. He’s not bad with communication and writing, too. Like all court cards, the Page of Swords could represent the personality and traits of a person in your life, or yourself, though since this card is in the position of External Advice, he likely is represented by someone else. Be open to his ideas and enthusiasm.
Card 4 – What Is Hidden: What lingers in your dreams and subconscious.
Card Drawn: Four of Swords
The Four of Swords shows up in readings when you need a reminder to take a step back. It’s quite interesting that this card would show up in this position, which is all about the energy in your dreams and subconscious, because the card itself speaks to a necessity for rest, e.g. much-needed sleep! That’s no coincidence… that’s some real synchronicity happening, with the tarot offering double the message you need to hear. This suggests that what your subconscious is trying to tell you: do a little more dreaming, as in, more sleeping, and a little less working. Pay attention to your dreams. Write them down and analyze them. This card shows they are fertile ground for finding your next creative, emotional, or intellectual breakthrough.
Card 5 – Internal Advice: What advice you can find within yourself.
Card Drawn: The Hierophant
The Hierophant calls on us to evaluate our relationship with rules and the established norms of society. If you’re feeling like a rebel, the Hierophant tells you to pull back and follow the rules. Easier said than done, especially if you’re feeling right now like there’s injustice in the world that you want to play a part in correcting. The Hierophant recognizes that passion and intensity but would ask you to moderate some of those strong emotions and think about how you can build on this energy to create change from the inside of the machine.
Overall Analysis:
Bringing these cards together, you see big, positive energy (The Sun) about starting a new project, relationship, or endeavor (Ace of Cups) and bringing into your life someone with a quick-thinking, enthusiastic personality (Page of Wands). However, there’s also a need to step back and rest (Four of Swords) and reflect on the best path forward to take action within the established parameters of society’s rules and norms (The Hierophant). Bottom line: enjoy the positive vibes, listen to both outside help and internal subconscious, and think how to become a change agent on this new journey of yours.